Ozone Applications

Ozonation effectively removes:

  • Microorganisms
  • Mould and other fungi
  • Dust mites
  • Pollen
  • Paint and cigarette odours

(inc. Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2)

These can be killed or inactivated (viruses) even in trace amounts of ozone as a result of oxidisation. The risk of infections or developing severe forms of diseases is minimised or completely eliminated with correctly applied ozone treatment.  Using ozone in food production facilities prevents the process of rotting and/or developing unpleasant smells.

Mould and other fungi

Ozone permanently destroys fungi, fungal mycelia and spores harmful to people's health and purifies moulded walls, and removes all unpleasant musty odours. 

Dust mites

Dust mites pose a serious health hazard for people with allergies. These microscopic creatures are responsible for developing asthma and breathing difficulties. Dust mites are completely eliminated in a process of ozone treatment.


Oxygen released during decomposition of ozone neutralizes pollen and its influence on human health, preventing the occurrence of allergy, throat, nose and eye irritation.

Paint and cigarette odour

These odours contain chemical compounds dangerous to human health; ozone oxidizes these compounds into less harmful ones, removing the smell of nicotine. It neutralizes the smell of cigarettes in furniture, walls, carpets and car upholstery.

Practical applications of ozonation:

  • Clothing
  • Care Homes
  • Changing rooms
  • Gyms
  • Gastronomy / Catering
  • Public toilets
  • Health service
  • Medical transport
  • Meat processing & Storing
  • Fruit storing
  • Perishable goods transport
  • Hotels & SPAs
  • Houses and cars
  • Fire damages
  • Flooded houses 
  • Paintshops

Clothing / Fitting rooms

Ozone can penetrate the fabrics without damaging them. Therefore ozonation is the only method to disinfect new clothes or get rid of the unwanted smells they carry.


Ozonation is the answer to all sorts of unwanted smells, not to mention the elimination of all bacteria and other pathogens in a gym environment.

Changing rooms

In order to prevent fungal infection it is recommended to ozonise changing rooms as the procedure successfully destroys 99.99% of fungi and their spores as well as various microorganisms responsible for eczema and other skin problems.

Care Homes

Not only does ozone kill all the germs, leaving the rooms disinfected, but also it eliminates all unpleasant odours.

Gastronomy / Catering

Ozonation helps in keeping restaurants, bars, commercial kitchens, etc. safe from bacterial and viral infections. The process removes nuisance odours produced during cooking.

Public toilets

It is scientifically proven that ozone kills all bacteria dangerous for health that may be present in public toilets, including E‑coli. The gas gets to all those places that can easily get omitted in a cleaning process.

Health service

Systematic use of ozone helps in preventing infections in all healthcare establishments, i.e. hospitals, operating theatres, GP surgeries, dentists.

Medical transport

Ambulances, hospital transport, non-emergency patient transport and community transport vehicles, especially for vulnerable people require a high level of disinfection or sterilisation. This is exactly what can be achieved in the process of ozonation.

Meat processing & storing

Using ozone in meat processing premises sterilises and improves sanitary conditions. Meat and meat products stored in ozonized air are not exposed to contamination with bacteria or other pathogens. Meat transport vehicles regularly treated with ozone help ensure a greater degree of safety, by preventing the food from being infected. Ozonizing butchery rooms, cold stores and sales premises keeps meat and its products fresh for longer.

Fruit storage

Stored fruits, after having been treated with ozone are less likely to rot and become infected by fungal pathogens. Fruits stay fresh for longer.

Perishable goods transport

Ozone generators are ideal for installing in refrigerator trucks and lorries to create an ozone atmosphere while the perishable goods are being transported or stored. The ozonation process significantly prolongs the shelf life of fresh food such as fruits and meat.

Hotels & SPAs

Using an ozone generator in a hotel room will disinfect all the contents of the room (including furniture, fabrics) and provide sterilized air which significantly minimizes bacterial and viral infection. Ozone eliminates the threat of Legionellosis – the most serious infectious agent in the hospitality business. In addition, the rooms are made odour free.


Ozone completely destroys bacteria and viruses as well as dust mites and other allergens. This is especially important for areas used by children, the elderly and allergy sufferers. Not only are the walls, floors, carpets, sofas, etc. disinfected as a result of ozone treatment, but it also applies to other things that are left in a room, like clothing and footwear. If you have problems with unpleasant smells from your lovable pets or from a previous homeowner's pet, ozone is the way to go. It destroys odours of urine, faeces and vomit and creates a comfortable living environment that is suitable not just for you but also for your visitors.


Ozone use in cars has a dual effect: it kills all bacteria, mould, mildew and fungi that live in the air-conditioning system as well as eliminating all odours. Ozonation is the only fully effective method of getting rid of cigarette smell from the upholstery.

Fire damages

There is no other chemical agent that fully removes fire-related odours. Smoke odour molecules that penetrate porous surface and often get deep into the building structure, can be permanently removed by ozone.

Flooded houses

Ozonation destroys the mould and mildew as well as fungi that develop after flooding. Ozone effectively eliminates all sorts of odours of both organic and inorganic origins. After ozonation, the previously flooded buildings are left disinfected and odour-free.


Ozone removes all painting-related odours, particularly the strong and persistent smell of paint solvents. After an ozonation session, newly built houses or freshly renovated rooms are smell-free and ready to move into.